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My Friend, Idly

A story by Alina Nelega, translated by Ramona Negrușa, illustrated by Liviu Boar
Interpreted by Stuart Ferguson

Once upon a time there was a morning in which my friend Idly refused profusely to go to school. Her mother begged her, but to no avail:

 -“Idly, it's seven o'clock; I have your toothbrush and your toothpaste ready, come brush your teeth!” Idly stretches and yawns. 

 -“Wake up, Idly, it's ten past seven, the tea, bread and butter are ready!” Idly grumbles. 

 -“Idly, itls a quarter past seven; you need to hurry up… Idly, have you prepared your school-bag?”        

-“I'm never going to school again. Let it be c’ear! I want to sleeeeeeeeep!” She rolled over on the other side and even started to snore lightly. But it wasn't that simple because, although Idly did not want to go to school, her legs did. So they started pulling her: 

 -“Idly, Idly, it's twenty past seven, let's go to school… Idly, we are ready! Come on, Idly, come on, take us off the bed!”

-“Oh no, I am not going anywhere! I want to sleep! If you want to, you can go, Illl stay here!”

So Idly's legs started off to school, while she kept on sleeping. But it wasn't long before Idly's arms started to pull her:

 -“Idly, Idly, come on already! It's twenty-five past seven, let's go to school! We are bored here at home, take us to school, Idly! Come on, Idly, come on…”

 -“Oh no, Ilm not even thinking about it. If you want to, you can go, I plan on sleeping!”

And the arms hurried to school, lest they be late, because, as everybody knows, arms walk more slowly than legs. Idly kept on sleeping and did not care a bit that her arms and legs left for school. Not long after that, Idly's stomach started shouting as well: 

 -“Idly, would you move already! It's seven thirty… I'm hungry and I want to exercise! Take me to school or I'll also go by myself!

 -“Oh, my Lord, what chaos! But leave already and let me sleep!”

 And the stomach, after wolfing down the bread, butter and the tea, went grumbling on his way as well. He was sneaking so that no one would see him and get scared. A stomach wandering by itself on the streets is not quite a common sight for those good children that are not late for their first c’ass. Idly was sleeping free of worries but also free of legs, arms and stomach. She couldn't care less about this and then her ears started to yell, but very loud, because that's the way ears usually yell:

-“Idly, it's twenty-five to eight! Are you going to get up… or what? Do you want to be late for school again? Idly, you hear me, Idly…? I say! Are you deaf?”

 -“You know what? I'm sick of you! Leave already, all of you, and let me sleep in siiiiiiiiileeeeeeence!”

 Frightened, the ears took off with earrings in them, and off to school they went; and Idly kept on sleeping like this, with no arms, with no legs, with no stomach and with no ears… She was sound asleep. After a while, not a very long while, her tongue started to fidget. The tongue didn't quite know how to get to school and was afraid to make her own decisions, so at first she tried to wake Idly up:

-“Idly! Heeey, Idly, it's twenty to eight… Idly!”

 But Idly didn't have ears anymore, so she couldn't hear her, so the tongue had no other choice: she found the courage and left as well, leaving her there to sleep happily. It didn't matter, right? Now that she had no arms, no legs, no stomach and no ears? She wouldn't need the tongue anyway…

 A little more time passed and Idly's hair started walking around the head. He saw the ears were gone and he felt like leaving as well. He thought of a way to wake Idly up and so he started to pull. He pulled to one side and then to another, then up, then down, he kept trying to pull harder but Idly would still not wake up. With no choice left, the hair started off to school, floating lightly in the wind, and alongside was flying – more difficult but vigorously, trying to keep up – Idly's brain. He was also rather worried about being late to school. They got there at exactly eight o'clock, all sweaty and breathing heavily. They threw themselves in the third desk from the wall, in the seat on the right.There they found the legs, the arms, the stomach, the ears and the tongue that had already arrived.

The teacher was about to come in and they were very nervous, hoping he would not notice that Idly was not there.

 At eight sharp the door opened gently and the whole c’ass became quiet. The children stood up and there entered: 


-“Got you! You came to school without me, again! Shame on you; that's a bad thing you did! Because of you I was almost late. You have no idea how hard it is to get to the first c’ass with no legs, arms, stomach, ears, tongue, hair and brain. Let me see, are you ashamed or not?”

But the legs, the arms, the stomach, the ears, the tongue, the hair and the brain did not get to say anything or be too ashamed, because the door opened again and this time it was the teacher who walked in. And Idly barely had time to sit down very-very-very quickly at her desk.

 Well, thus they all saved face. And this was the last time when something like this happened. I promise, dear children, since then, the legs, the arms, the stomach, the ears, the tongue, the hair and the brain never left for school by themselves again without my friend, Idly.